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About Mind/Body Consultant Services & Protocols

Protocols: Hops (Humulus lupulus L)


Description: A perennial vine native to Germany, England and North and South America. Used as flavoring agent in brewing beer since eleventh century and as digestive aid and in the treatment of intestinal ailments.

Method of Action: Active ingredients in hops include valerianic acid, estrogenic substances, tannins, bitters, and flavinoids. Sedative properties appear to be related to the presence of dimethylvini carbinol.

Indications and Usage: Sedative; Mild Anxiety; Restlessness and Agitation; Sleep Disturbance. Can be combined with lemon balm, chamomile and valerian root. For treatment of irritable bowel syndrome combine with chamomile, peppermint, plantain, or marshmallow.

Contraindications: Do not use this product if you are pregnant or lactating without first seeking advice from your physician. Can cause dysfunctional uterine bleeding in high doses. May be contraindicated in some forms of depression as hops acts as a mild depressant on higher nerve centers. Should be avoided in women with predisposition to estrogen-dependent breast cancer as hops does contain substances with estrogenic activity.

Dosage and Administration: 0.5 to 1.0 grams of dried flowers; 0.5 to 1 gram of liquid extract (1: 1 45% ethanol; 1 to 2 mL of tincture (1:5, 60% ethanol) three times daily. Dried aged herb is of highest potency. Aroma of hops can produce light sedation.

Clinical Effect In: 20 to 40 minutes.

Adverse Reactions: Allergy. Disruption of menstrual cycles. If you suspect that an herb or other supplement is making you sick, call the FDA's MedWatch hotline at 800-332-1088 or contact the agency via it's website at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch.

Known Interactive Effects: Can be combined safely with valerian root, hops, chamomile, or passion flower to promote and improve quality of sleep. Do not use with other over-the-counter, or prescription sleep aids.

Additional Considerations: Dried, aged product is optimal. Must be used soon after opening as hops will lose clinical effectiveness (up to 89% in nine months of storage). Do not expose to light and air during storage.

Warnings: The information above is provided for educational purposes and may not be construed as a medical prescription or as a substitute for the advice of your physician. Do not use this product without first consulting your physician especially if you are pregnant or lactating. Be advised that some herbs and dietary supplements can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals and may also have an adverse result in conjunction with other medications, or treatments. You should regularly consult your physician in matters regarding your health and particularly in respect to symptoms and conditions which may require diagnosis or medical attention. Reevaluate use of this product after 6 months.

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